Theory Refresher

Whether you are new to Advanced Riding, or have been a Member for years, is your knowledge of the IPSGA system as fresh as perhaps it could be?

Why not come along to one of our Theory Refresher courses?


Specifically O-A-P - If you don’t know what that means, perhaps you do need a Refresher?

Turning what you see into what you need to do.

Overtaking and Filtering

One of the great benefits of riding a motorcycle is the ability to make progress, but his can also bring with it a level of risk if it isn’t done properly.

Are you still on top of your game?


Let’s be honest, who doesn’t enjoy sweeping and flowing through a set of corners?

But, are you still doing it efficiently and effectively?

The session covers key aspects of the IPSGA system, and focuses on what makes you an effective Thinking Rider.


Open to both Associates and Members. 

Typically held twice a year, in late Spring and late Autumn.

Sessions will be advertised on the Club’s website and through email communications.

Keep an eye out for the next one.